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Written Features


Written in 2014, the reflections of  a teenager in the middle of their journey of navigating her identity as a "mixed-race", "bi-cultural" (whatever you want to call it), young woman growing up in a predominantly white community in a small country town in South-East Queensland... 

Click above to read.


Written in 2016,  reflecting on the influence of bilums in my life as a Papuan-Australian and a little story behind the women that make these art pieces...

Click above to read.


Written in 2021, with my colleague, Rosie Gale about the experiences of the Brisbane Pacific Islander community and their ways of living, being and belonging. 


All photography taken by Moale James and Rosie Gale. 

Click above to read. 

An Special Broadcasting Services adaptation of a piece written in 2022, with my colleague, Stephanie Wong documenting my families reva reva story and the experience of receiving my ade and kakiu reva reva. 

Click above to read. 


Written in 2013, on my experience of receiving my first reva reva in my village, Gaba Gaba, Papua New Guinea. What did this mean for my family, being the first woman in three generations to be traditionally tattooed in our village?

Click above to read.


Written in 2019,  exploring the realities of being bi-cultural and how it can be related to a symphony orchestra frantically practicing for many performances...

Click above to read.


Written in 2014,  using images from a Sunameke performance in the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art's 8th Asia Pacific Triennial. Reflecting on the issues of cultural appropriation (although please note this is not what the performance was not referring to). 


All photography taken by Pat and Kat Morrow.

Click above to read.

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Written in 2014,  using images from a Sunameke performance in the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art's 8th Asia Pacific Triennial.


Reflecting on this performance and the message it sent to our community about standing strong and proud in our identity and culture.


All photography taken by Pat and Kat Morrow.

Click above to read. 

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